November 1, 2022
Online Course Design and Development
Course Design and Development provides an opportunity for faculty to design and develop an online course that is of strategic importance to their department/college. The eCampus Center provides expertise in all aspects of online learning. The Course Design and Development process give faculty an individualized experience through consultations and just-in-time instruction on design strategies and technologies that faculty can use to build a high-quality online course.
October 24, 2022
Digital and Interactive Exhibit
March-April 2022
VR Educator
Participants in the Virtual Reality Educator Micro-certificate learn about virtual reality (VR) as a learning platform and how to use it in their teaching practice. VR is an experiential learning medium where students can practice procedures with their hands, construct, repair, create, learn critical decision making skills, or experience what it’s like to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. In other words, learners will explore VR’s ability to help students learn in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This Micro-certificate allows educators to explore VR to get an understanding of its pedagogical potential.
October 11, 2021
Exploring the Metaverse
Spring, 2018